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Art Academy

Students Painting

   CATAPULT Partnered with Unwine'd Wine and Cheese Lounge located on 310 Morton St. Rear, Richmond, TX.  CATAPULT's advanced art students were able to participate in the creation of this mural.  This mural gave the opportunity to young artists to practice: problem solving, decision making, team work, communication skills, project planning and more. 

Step 1

Planning and Tracing the provided design. We used brown builders paper to cover the wall at CATAPULT's classroom. The design was projected on the paper. Students draw the design using pencil.  The oldest kids helped in this task. Julia and Erva are 11, and Emin is 12 years old. FUN FACT: Tracing might sound like an easy task, but students had to move around in a "weird way"  so they didn't projected a shadow on the paper. Also, they put in practice how to work as a team so they were not into each other's way. 


Step 2

Poke holes on the the paper so the design could be easily transferred to the rough wall.  FUN FACT:  It took 1 hr to poke all the holes in the 3ftx11ft design. Students used  pencils for this task. Of course, a metal tip would had been better, but HEY! these are young kids and we don't want accidents :)  

Session 1

Planning and Tracing the provided design. We used painters paper to cover the wall at CATAPULT's classroom. Students draw the design using pencil and  use a projector.


Session 2

Poke holes on the the paper so the design could be easily transferred to the wall at the alley.   And prepare all the supplies to start the work "on site".

Catapult students working on mural.jpg

Step 3


In order for the paint to properly adhere to the outdoor wall, it is necessary to clean it.  We're lucky the wall was in great condition. Kids used a blower and brooms to brush it and take out the dust.  Lindsay, one of the Unwine'd owners, was there to welcome the kids, she thank them and motivated them to start the project. She made them feel like professional mural artists. 

Catapult art students tracing mural_edited.jpg

Step 4

Transferring (tracing) the design onto the outdoor wall. Kids attached the paper to the wall (using painters tape). Then with charcoal they drew the design through the holes. At the end they joined the dots and VOILA!.   

More steps coming soon!

Stay tuned!

CATAPULT Academy                               210 Morton St. Richmond, TX 77469                        Hours Tue-Sat 10am-2pm                            (281)714-7061

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